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view post Posted on 4/4/2005, 17:30

EDITED: 18/03/2009 by Saku00

Ok folks,here are some rules everybody has to conform with:

1)First of all....BREEDING!We really appreciate polite users in order to keep armony up.Ain't a fish market in here,right?

2)Plainess of speech:when you request and/or post something try to be clear as much as possible.

3)According to your requests post them in the correct section.Also give such clear TITLE to your topics...things like:"HEEEELP!!!" "PLEAAASE" "I'M HEEEERE" are kinda stupid,aren't they?

4)One topic = one request.Don't add other requests.

5)About SPAM...well,it's FORBIDDEN!!!Please don't join our forum only to post your own link and run away.You can easily make an affiliation with Sakuforum by sending a private message to the admin.
This is going to be reciprocally with the banner's exchange.The topic containing spam will be DELETED and consider yourselves kicked out from this board.Bye bye!

6)In need of help you can always use the forum,don't send dozens of private messages to other users.

7)About attention here:

--- You are not allowed to request SAT,PS1,DC,Ps3,Wii,PS2,NGAGE,XBOX,GC,PSP,NDS,XBOX360,PC games

---You are not allowed to request SERIAL CODES and/or SOFTWARE CRACK

---You are not allowed to request PC games(Only FREEWARE,SHAREWARE,ABANDONWARE,DEMO).

---You are not allowed to request TV SERIES,MOVIES,DVD,ANIME SERIES etc. licensed in our country.

---You are not allowed to request ANY KIND OF SOFTWARE being on market.

---You are not allowed to POST warez links and/or send them VIA PM.If our police authority intercept one of these message,Sakuforum Staff DECLINE ANY LIABILITY!

---You are not allowed to give advices how to modify/exploit mobiles(free unlimited sms,cracks etc etc.)

---You are not allowed to talk about and instigate WAREZ.

--- You must delete roms within 24h

---You are not allowed to discuss HEAVILY about console alterations.

8)When you discuss a topic don't talk fussily and don't post anything comes to your mind.Have a part in it only if you are sincerely interested.

9)Don't make the same questions over and over again...

10)Don't start up FLAMES!If you can't help quarreling with someone,you can solve your question via private message.Otherwise,feel free to contact the staff.

11)The admin and the staff can always be warnered about ill-bred users.Don't offend anyone.

12)Preferably don't discuss about politics and religion(In danger of flames)

13)DON'T give links hosting porn stuff,hentai,racist and/or violent and/or offensive images.

14)Before making your own request try to check if has already been made.(You can use the search engine in the top-right corner of the forum).

15)Keep your signature/avatar within certain limits.Usually not over 200/300KB.The staff can change it whenever.

16)Don't send to the admin and/or staff useless messages.

17)Dont' post personal details such as e-mails,phone numbers,addresses etc etc.

18)Don’t CAPS.

19)On forum nobody is allowed to request any kind of file to be sent on his e-mail address,ICQ,MSN Messenger etc....exceptions via PM.

20)About our mIRC CHANNEL #sakuroms:

---#sakuroms is NOT A WAREZ CHAN;well,you can discuss about almost everything,you can ask for some links,you can help other users:BUT DON'T EXAGGERATE!

---Greet on join!

---Don't spam and don't flood.

---Breeding of course!Don't be rude,don't offend other chan users.

21) DON'T STEAL OUR LISTS!!!As you can see we provide lists containing links and more links.You are not allowed to cut off part of them and/or copy them at all and post on other boards;Those damn lists required lots of work:if we succeed in finding out you do that....well consider yourself BANNED....forever.

That's it guys,hope you'll enjoy your stay on SAKUFORUM.....bye!

Edited by Saku00 - 18/3/2009, 10:56
0 replies since 4/4/2005, 17:30   1526 views